

Symptoms:- Prickling sensation in the skin, itching, rashes, red eyes, runny nose, nervousness, restlessness, excessive sneezing, itching in the nose, excessive nasal discharge, cough, difficulty in breathing, headache, migraine etc. Allergy is the mother of many other diseases like diabetes, depression, heart disease, ulcer, asthma etc. Reason: Allergy also indicates a decrease in immunity. Presence of worms in the stomach, use of intoxicants, consumption of harmful and chemically mixed food, cosmetics, synthetic clothes, any special diet and medicine, excessive consumption of sugar, mental stress etc. Treatment: Fast on lemon water, coconut water and fruit and vegetable juices for three to four days. After this, take cooked food for a week. Do not use canned food, salt and sugar. Use soybean milk. Drink water of 40-50 neem leaves on an empty stomach for a few days in the morning and do not eat or drink anything for half an hour. In this way, taking five drops of castor oil in fruit juice or water in the morning on an empty stomach is also beneficial. Consume aava powder mixed with a little turmeric with water during the day. Give Nadi Shodhan Pranayam and Aadhar Mantra, do Sarvanga Asana, Shavasana etc. Soak Arjun bark in water overnight, mash it in the morning, strain it and make a decoction and drink it.

Thank You

This information has been shared on the basis of naturopathy. If the problem is more, then definitely consult a doctor.


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