

Lack of red blood cells is called anemia. Lack of blood in the body causes weakness, poor memory, laziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, sadness, nails turning white and loss of glow from the face.
Causes: – Lack of formation of red blood cells due to lack of iron, protein and vitamins or any other disorder, excessive bleeding due to any injury, piles, menstruation etc., worms in the stomach cause anaemia. Mental stress and anxiety which affect the digestive juices, due to which essential elements and vitamins are not absorbed. Treatment:- Take spinach juice mixed with honey, pomegranate juice, carrot juice, beetroot, cabbage juice and grapes, orange, seasonal guava, banana, tomato, apple juice, spinach, mint and green leafy vegetables. Figs are very useful, drink sun heated purple water, dates, raisins, turmeric, fenugreek are very beneficial, eat neem leaves daily for two days in the juice of wheat grass. Kunjal, enema, hot and cold compress of stomach, dry friction and take long deep breaths, and do pranayam, sun bath, sun bath is gyan mudra, do pran mudra in meditation, practice yoga nidra, do scientific massage daily

Thank you
This information has been shared on the basis of naturopathy. If the problem is serious, then definitely consult a doctor.


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