

Symptoms:- The intestinal caudal near the point where the small and large intestine meet gets swollen. There is severe pain on the right side of the stomach and the place gets swollen and hard like a lump. Even a little pressure on this place causes severe pain. It can also cause vomiting, force of vomiting, bad breath, constipation, fever etc. If it is not treated on time, the swelling keeps on increasing due to which it can burst and become dangerous.
Cause:- Its main cause is chronic constipation. People who consume hard-to-digest food and fried food in large quantities or non-vegetarians usually suffer from this disease.

Treatment:- Along with removing constipation, its treatment is to make the body free from constipation. It is very important to take complete rest. Give up eating and drinking and drink only water little by little and slowly. Clean the stomach by giving water enema two-three times a day and apply hot-cold compress on the stomach several times a day and put a mud bandage. If the weight of the mud bandage cannot be tolerated due to excessive pain, then apply a wet bandage. From the third day, start giving fruit and vegetable juice and lemon water. Mixing carrot beetroot juice or cucumber juice is especially useful. After this, take raw food, fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains etc. for a week. After the disease is cured, come back to a normal balanced diet. Do not let constipation occur in future.
Thank you
This information has been shared on the basis of naturopathy. If there is a big problem, then definitely consult a doctor.


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