Symptoms:- Runny nose, sneezing, feeling cold and feeling heavy head, difficulty in breathing, sometimes mild fever also occurs. Don’t feel like working, get angry on small things.

Causes:- Wrong eating habits, indigestion, constipation, doing too much mental work, overeating, excess ghee, oil, white sugar, fried things, refined flour food, canned food, overcooked food, use of mismatched food, feeling of exercise, staying up all night, pollution, feeling cold etc. But cold is actually the simplest process of nature to remove the foreign substances stuck in the body.

Treatment:- After fasting for a day, stay on hot water. You can take lukewarm lemon and honey water. Mix ginger juice, basil juice and honey in water. Mix lemon juice in water and drink it. After this, eat 10 soaked raisins and 2 soaked figs. Eat vitamin C rich food. Apply mud bandage on stomach. Enema. Jal Niti Kunjal. Hot foot bath. Steam bath. Sun bath and dry friction are beneficial. Gargle with salt water. Drink water from Hari Surya Tatva bottle. If the cold is chronic, drink water from yellow bottle. Do Gomukhasana, Sarvangasana, Surya Bhedan Pranam etc. asanas and stay in open air.

Thank you.
This information has been shared on the basis of naturopathy. If the problem is severe, then consult a doctor.


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