Eye infection


Symptoms:- Inflammation in eyes, redness of eyes, burning sensation in eyes, watering of eyes, and finding eyes glued on waking up in the morning

Causes:- Feeling cold, smoke, entry of irritant in eyes, infection in the system containing foreign matter etc.

Treatment:- According to the condition, the patient should fast on juice diet like carrot, spinach juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, coconut water etc. for 1 to 3 days. After this, he should stay on raw food only for a week. Avoid irritant food like tea, sugar, chili, spices. Take vitamin A, B, C rich food. Place mud bandage or wet bandage on the eyes. Open the glued eyes by applying wet clothes. Enema of lemon or neem water. Hot foot bath and water policy. Put rose water in the eyes. Wash the eyes with green bottle water prepared by sun rays.

Thank you
This information has been shared on the basis of naturopathy. If the problem is severe, then definitely consult a doctor.


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