How to avoid corona and what are the precautions?


According to the World Health Organization, the most basic and important way to protect ourselves from the corona virus is to stay clean. It is most important to take care of cleanliness. Keep washing your hands from time to time. Wash hands with soap and water from time to time. Alcohol-based hand rub can also be used. While coughing and sneezing, keep the nose and mouth covered with a handkerchief or tissue paper. Maintain distance from people who have symptoms of cold and flu. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with hands unknowingly. Wash your hands from time to time with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Covid patients mostly recover in 2 – 4 weeks. However, in some patients, symptoms of Covid persist for more than four weeks. This condition is known as “acute post-COVID syndrome.” If symptoms persist after 12 months, it is known as “post-COVID syndrome.”

Testing for COVID-19 can help you decide what to do next, such as getting treatment to reduce your risk of serious illness and taking steps to reduce your chances of spreading COVID-19 to others.


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