IIM CAT 2024:  Admit Card will be released on 5th November, click here

IIM CAT 2024:  Admit Card will be released
IIM CAT 2024:  Admit Card will be released

Admit card for CAT 2024: Candidates must have created their login credentials—a user ID and a password—during the registration process for the CAT 2024 exam in order to access their admit cards.

Admit Card to CAT 2024: The admit card for applicants to the Common Aptitude Test (CAT 2024) will be made available on the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) website tomorrow, November 5 at iimcat.ac.in.
Candidates must have created their login credentials—a user ID and a password—during the registration process for the CAT 2024 exam in order to access their admit cards. Candidates can access their admit cards by following the steps listed below.
CAT 2024: How to download the admit card

CAT 2024: Step 1: Go to iimcat.ac.in, the official CAT 2024 website.

Step 2: Go to the link labeled “CAT 2024 Admit Card Download.”

Step 3: Press the login button.

Step 4: Enter your user name, passport, and answer the captcha.

Step 5: Your admit card will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Print it out and download it for later use.

The candidate’s personal information, such as name, category, date of birth, photo, signature, registration number, exam date and time, and exam centre name and address, will also be included on the admit card.

The applicants are asked to read the information carefully and get in touch with the appropriate authority if they find any errors.

For further updates, candidates can check official website of iimcat.ac.in.


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