Is the IGNOU Courses Tougher than Regular College Courses?

IGNOU Admission
IGNOU Admission

Whenever a Students plans for taking admission in IGNOU, a common question always arise that is the IGNOU Degree is tougher than a regular College degree or not? But it is really so?

IGNOU is one of the most reputed and recognised distance learning university of India. The IGNOU University offers a wide range of courses of graduate and post- graduate degrees. As per the judgement of UDC and Allahabad court IGNOU degrees will be considered as valid and legitimate as any other regular College degree. But students should score very good marks in the exams.

There are several facts and reasons which are required to be discuss to elaborate for answering this question.

Why the IGNOU courses are considered tougher than other regular degree college courses?

There are so many students who starts preparing for the IGNOU courses since the time they take admission and also prepare for their exams during the session so that they can score good marks in result. Still there are some logical reasons due to which IGNOU courses are considered tougher than other regular college degrees : 

Handwritten Assignments and Examinations:

In this fast growing world most of the schools and colleges are turned towards digital mode of education but IGNOU is still working on traditional method of learning for their students. Students are allowed to write down their projects and assignments of different courses in handwritten form only.

Most of the Distance Learning Universities are taking exams in the pattern of “Multiple Choice Questions” where students need to guess the answer and tick on the write option. Students do not require to write down short and long answers. Instead of that patter of MCQ, IGNOU is still believe in traditional method of exams in which students need to write down all the answer in handwritten form only.

Strict Checking Concept

IGNOU is very strict about paper checking and they check each answer and their points very carefully.  It is mandatory that IGNOU students should write correct answer with proper point to point, so that they can score maximum marks. Students usually handle Projects, answer sheets, assignments and other aspects of IGNOU very well but due to strict checking method of IGNOU it is very difficult to score good marks in IGNOU.

Syllabus is Difficult

In IGNOU syllabus is prepared by very experience professionals which includes details explanation of every topics. Every topic which is mentioned in IGNOU syllabus, contains brief details about that and students need to write down all these details into their projects, assignments as well as in their examinations also.

If a student is going through all the topics and details, it is not difficult to score the good marks in IGNOU Examinations.

Few Tips to Pass in IGNOU Courses.

Some of the IGNOU experts have provided few tips and ideas and if the students follow them properly, they can score good marks in IGNOU Assignments and IGNOU Examinations.

  1. Complete the Syllabus:

Students are always advised to complete their IGNOU Syllabus properly and prepare notes of all the topics briefly so that at the time of examination students can do the revision of whole syllabus of IGNOU quickly. Each and every part of the Syllabus should be covered by the Students so that they can attempt all the questions answers in the IGNOU Examination, as the IGNOU marking system is very strict and they do not provide marks for the guessed answers.

  • Do not wait for the last moment to prepare for exams

Students should start their studies since the time they receive the IGNOU provide them the study material.  Also submit their IGNOU Assignments and Projects on time without waiting for deadline of the submission. As mentioned in above point also that students should make the notes of all the syllabus and topics in brief so that they can easily do the revision work at the time of examination.

  • Prepare Assignments Yourself

IGNOU recommend always to their students that they should prepare their assignments themselves only as this can help into covering maximum syllabus of the IGNOU.  As IGNOU has designed the pattern of their assignments in such a way that maximum syllabus will be covered in the assignments making if student will write themselves.  Due to which students don’t need to spend lots of time in the note making of maximum topics and can do the revision of rest of the topics at the time of examination.  

  • Take Guidance from Previous Years Question Papers:

It is always advised to the students of any level that they should take help of previous years question papers while preparing for their exams of any class.  Same way IGNOU advised their students to go through previous year papers and do the practice of those questions papers so that they can have idea about the exam pattern and can do the practice for completing the exam in given timeline also. After completing the IGNOU syllabus students can find out the question papers of previous 4-6years and start practicing for the exams so that their confidence will raise.

  • Student Should Follow  all the Guidance for Writing in Exam:

After you have prepared well for the exam there are also a number of types of writing your

  • Students should attempt all the questions to ensure that they can secure high marks.
  • Handwriting should be neat and clean so that evaluator can read all the points properly and give the marks accordingly.
  • Always highlight main points in the answer sheet.
  • Maintain the concept of short and long answers. Use limited and meaningful words.

If the IGNOU Students will follow the above mentioned tricks and guidance, they can score very well in their IGNOU Examinations. IGNOU courses are not tough if the Students will prepare for the exams, projects and assignments in correct way.


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