What are the benefits of drinking gooseberry juice?

Green gooseberries in a wooden bowl

Benefits of gooseberry juice.

Gooseberry is available from November to March. Grate two fresh and big Gooseberry and extract its juice. Mix some honey in it and drink it with a cup of milk every morning. In a few days you will feel new power and activity in your body. Gooseberry is the best source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of nerve fibers, liver, gall bladder and blood. It purifies the blood and increases immunity. Gooseberry strengthens the heart, hair and various glands. Gooseberry helps in maintaining strength in old age. Gooseberry is a storehouse of iron and calcium. It is very beneficial in preventing anaemia and unbalanced blood circulation. Consuming Gooseberry daily protects against anaemia, constipation, indigestion, nerve and bladder related diseases. Those who want health and youth must take two Gooseberry juices daily. Gooseberry juice improves eyesight. It is beneficial in arthritis and jaundice. It provides relief in bone diseases and ulcers. It is useful in constipation and blood disorders. Regular consumption of Gooseberry juice makes hair thick, long and curly. Skin remains healthy and disease free.

Thank you.
This information is being given on the basis of naturopathy.


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