What are the benefits of soybean milk?


First method – Grind the dry soybean very finely. Heat one liter of water till it boils and then add 100 grams of soybean flour little by little with a spoon and keep stirring. The milk will be ready in 10 minutes. To make it thinner or thicker, you can add more or less soybean flour. After cooling, add ground cardamom and honey in required quantity.

Second method – To make 1 liter of milk, soak 100 grams of soybean in water in the evening and keep it overnight. In the morning, the soybean grains will swell and weigh 200 grams. Grind it on a sieve or in a mixer. It will become like a paste. Add 800 ml of water to it and knead it well and filter it in a thick cloth. Now boil it on a low flame while stirring it for 10 to 15 minutes. Now cool the milk and add ground cardamom and honey in required quantity.

Soyabean milk is similar to cow milk in all aspects. It is difficult to find any food in the world as nutritious as soyabean.

It is a storehouse of protein and its protein is of very high quality. It is 80% alkaline. It is a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin B. Soyabean milk is beneficial for children. It reduces cholesterol, hence is very useful for heart patients and people with high blood pressure. It does not form uric acid, hence is a better alternative to milk for arthritis patients. It increases sexual power. It is beneficial for brain related diseases, nerve weakness, memory loss, epilepsy, hysteria, lung disease, pimples, black spots, diabetes, anemia, liver problems, gout, kidney diseases etc. It is useful in every disease of increased acidity. It also reduces the risk of cancer. Curd and cheese can also be made from this milk.


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