Decreased absorption of calcium from food due to reduced digestive capacity.
- Lack of calcium-rich food in food.
- Lack of sunlight or lack of vitamin D.
- Lack of strenuous exercise or yoga.
- Lack of breast feeding for newborn babies.
- Consumption of high protein food which reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium.
- The risk of calcium deficiency increases in pregnant women because the child in the womb takes calcium from its mother only.
- White sugar, caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks.
- Consumption of fast food, chocolate, acidic food, painkillers, diuretic medicines, alcohol etc. expels calcium from the body.
According to Dr. Frank A. Oski, medical director of Johns Hawkins Medical Institute of America, the protein present in animal milk not only removes calcium present in milk but also calcium present in bones from the body through urine. In this way, instead of strengthening bones, milk weakens them. This is the reason why in developed countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark, where milk and milk products are used a lot, diseases like osteoporosis are also very common. This disease is less common in China and Africa because milk is not an essential part of the diet there.